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Home / Podcast / Ep 10 / Chatting with Zubi about Information

Article: Ep 10 / Chatting with Zubi about Information

Ep 10 / Chatting with Zubi about Information

Knowledge does not take up space is a phrase that we have heard repeatedly throughout our lives, and that we have deeply stuck in our heads, but what if it were not true?

The Internet has radically changed our lives in the way we consume information, and in the cost it has. It is difficult to value free, and the Internet makes us want so many things that we do not have, that if we cannot buy them, we can at least store them. The culture of information storage has a big drawback, which is the lack of learning, we do not process what we see, we do not analyze it, we just store it.

The mental process of learning cannot be carried out if there is no time and rest for it, and that should be the end of the search for information. We talk about this and much more in this episode of our podcast.

We hope you like it.

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