Ep 15 / Chatting with Abraham Abe the Ape about the value of being authentic
Meet Abraham aka Abe the Ape is to love him, he is so himself that everyone who spends 5 minutes with him remembers him, and if you already follow him on social networks you will probably fall into instagram just to read him. It's a phenomenon with legs! But being that phenomenon has taken time and many bumps in life.
Many of us, at first, tried to conform to what was established, study a career and work on it, try to fit in with the normal, but the usual constantly expelled us, or bored us. Doing things our way became the natural way of doing them, although many times that has scared those around us to death.
In the case of Abraham, he was always in love with fashion, but he didn't know how to get there, so first he studied advertising and when he finished he became disenchanted with that world, and with his backpack on his back he launched himself as a salesman to travel the streets. roads of Castilla and to study fashion design in Madrid. And what about the fashion he brought out? Well, an incredible hand and a style, half classified as Disney, that only he knows how to do with humor and affection for his characters. Her imagination is full of animals, divas and movies from the 80s, without a filter, everything mixed, shaken and poured in line and color on plates, sheets and even vases.
Until very recently he took his dishes to the workshop by subway, loaded like a mule and eating risketos. Its takeoff has been spectacular, and everyone is raffled off to have a Abe the Ape personalized, or at least some Golden Girls or an Yves to bless your house.
In our talk you will get to know and love Abraham as we already do, and you will be amazed by his stories, which I promise have no end.