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Home /sastrería Podcast /sastrería Ep 23 / Chatting with Helena Rohner about design as a business

Article: Ep 23 / Chatting with Helena Rohner about design as a business

Ep 23 / Chatting with Helena Rohner about design as a business

One of the great privileges of doing the “Chatting with Zubi” podcast is that it has become the perfect excuse to get together with people who in one way or another have marked what Zubi is today. People we admire, from whom we have learned and who, in many cases, we have considered an example in the beginnings of the brand. This is the case of Helena Rohner , our guest today, whom we started chasing around the fairs in true fatal fan style and with whom today we maintain a relationship in which we are at the same time friends, buyers and regular users.

For this new episode of the podcast, we wanted Helena to tell us how she has evolved a company and a personal career in jewelry design that began more than 23 years ago (46 collections, that's nothing). We have asked him how this world came to be, what role luck played and the importance that two key names in the industry had in its beginnings. And how from there it has become a leading firm in the jewelry sector, of which 70% of its sales are made abroad but which still needs to see the face of each and every one of its suppliers.

We also chatted with her about shared references, about how to face the pressure of leaving the market niche to become more commercial and adapt to trends, about not fitting in, and the relevance of failure at all levels. And we laugh (now) at the mistakes made and the difficult moments like that fair to which no one came.

In addition, Helena tells us what the germ of “La Aventura de Lucas” is, the exciting documentary that narrates the complex process that her son Lucas underwent, who was born with a disease called achondroplasia. If we already admired Helena's subtlety and tenacity, now her bravery when it comes to facing the responsibility of telling important stories makes us take our hats off.

We hope you enjoy this new installment of “Chatting with Zubi” as much as we have.

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