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Home / Podcast / Ep 85 / Chatting with Carmen Capote, from 24 Onzas, about the art of creating signature chocolates

Article: Ep 85 / Chatting with Carmen Capote, from 24 Onzas, about the art of creating signature chocolates

Ep 85 / Chatting with Carmen Capote, from 24 Onzas, about the art of creating signature chocolates

What is it about cocoa and that piece of chocolate after eating that is capable of brightening your day? Many of us find it irresistible, and if not, ask Elena...

If you feel identified, prepare yourself. Because today at zubi we chat with a great chef and chocolate artisan. This is Carmen Capote, founder and soul of “24 Onzas”. And from his wonderful workshop he creates unique bonbons and signature chocolates that are a true delight.

Carmen has a Grand Diploma in cooking and pastry at Le Cordon Bleu Paris and a Bachelor of Business Administration at ICADE. She has worked in the best restaurants and was a pastry chef for the President of France, working for several years at the Elysée.

But what led a Finance expert to create unique chocolates? Excel sheets and reports did not fill Carmen's soul, so one day she decided to go to France and there invest in something she really liked: cooking.

In Paris he trained with the best. For nine months, from Monday to Saturday, he got up at 5:15 in the morning to go to study. Every day I took a two-hour round trip by train! “I was never absent or late.” With effort, desire and a lot of enthusiasm, Carmen achieved honorable mention in her promotion.

It was clear to him that he had to create something and today, from his two “24 Onzas” stores in Madrid, he makes signature chocolates that are authentic works of art. “Delicate and creative designs to generate memories that accompany you in special moments.” Fashion? Jewelry? No! It's chocolate!

Today at zubi we chat with Carmen Capote about the funniest anecdotes from her time at the Elysée, her most special creations, that time as a child she got sick from a chocolate binge and those boxes of chocolates created to help her beautiful island, La Palma, after the eruption of the volcano. They even placed an order for 6,000 boxes of chocolates!

The properties of cocoa are infinite but do you know what to look for to identify a good chocolate? Carmen has given us the keys and has confessed to us what flavor she would never mix cocoa with. You guess?

If you are part of the ounce of chocolate after eating club, I warn you of one thing: this podcast will make your mouth water. Inside audio and enjoy!

Store 24 ounces

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