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Home / Podcast / Ep 88 / Chatting with Yolanda Andrés about embroidery, wine and friends

Article: Ep 88 / Chatting with Yolanda Andrés about embroidery, wine and friends

Ep 88 / Chatting with Yolanda Andrés about embroidery, wine and friends

They say that when something painful happens to you in life, we are able to enhance our creativity as an escape valve, a way to express feelings and emotions. And our guest and dear friend, Yolanda Andrés, has a wonderful story full of strength and the art that she already cultivated.

Yolanda studied Fine Arts in Salamanca and worked for many years in Advertising and Communication until her first daughter was born prematurely in 2008 and her life was transformed. During the eight months in the hospital with Candela she was able to draw, write and embroider. “It all started in silence. I changed the rhythm of a communication agency to being in the silence of a hospital. At that moment I didn't think I could do something that could change my life, I just let myself go. And in that silence of the hospital I started to embroider.”

Threads have been part of her life since she was very little. And we are lucky to see her work and have very special pieces that have come out of her workshop. When Yolanda does something for Zubi, she elevates us to infinity.

We really wanted to bring her to our podcast because, for us, Yolanda is a great storyteller. And not only through her embroidery, you will discover that in this new episode.

His drawing diary “Birth” marked a before and after in his life, his workshops, his friends, funny anecdotes and that machine that he has confessed to us has stopped and he cannot even see.

Listen to the new podcast and discover a witty and spontaneous artist like Yolanda Andrés. Audio in!

Podcast Notes:

Book “Birth”

You can see Yolanda's work on her website

Yolanda Andrés Instagram

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