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Home / Podcast / Ep 14 / Chatting with zubi about what you should know about finances

Article: Ep 14 / Chatting with zubi about what you should know about finances

Ep 14 / Chatting with zubi about what you should know about finances

It's talking about finances and everyone starts shaking! It's just that that's very difficult, it's that my advisor takes care of that, it's that as long as money enters the account I'm throwing away...

Finances are scary when they are not understood, when it seems that they are hiding the secret of the Holy Grail from us, but when they stop being a mystery you realize that they are great allies in your daily life. Elena Zubi is our financier, who should not be confused with an accountant, her job goes far beyond controlling the past and present of what we spend, but she has to think about the future, draw it and enforce it.

For me, it is the talk that everyone would want to hear and should hear if they decide to undertake it. Managing these terms and knowing that they exist will also help you talk about yourself to people in that industry and not be seen as the freelance creative that you surely are at this moment.

Growing up is difficult, and we are going to lay it down well so as not to waste time on unimportant things and focus on what is fundamental.

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