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How to care for your zubi

You now have your Canvas Handbag and we hope you are enjoying it very much. Part of that enjoyment, and for it to last impeccably for a long time, is important to take care of it and wash it in a special but very simple way.

Apart from the video that explains step by step how to do it, here we are going to leave you some notes:

- You can use any detergent, preferably liquid, and it is better if it is for delicate garments, from any supermarket brand or our favorites, the natural ones from Home Healthy Home that we have for sale on our website.

- The bag is made of cotton, like jeans, and with washing it gradually loses color and becomes softer. Whenever you wash it, it will gradually become clearer.

- The step of turning the bag over and filling it is essential so that there are no marks or rubbing against anything.

- Normally washing the bag once a season is enough, but if it gets a grease, wine or similar stain, it should be washed as soon as possible so that it doesn't stay forever. If a stain like that is not removed soon, it will not come out.

- Our cotton bags are not washed by hand, they are not soaked, they are not rubbed and even less aggressive products are used on them. We have been using this washing method for 8 years, it is bomb-proof, we do not guarantee that it will be in good condition with any other wash. Don't play it.

- The delicate or wool program varies depending on the washing machines. Don't go crazy, if you do everything right you can wash it on a normal cold program, although delicate garments or wool is even better.

- Dry horizontally, on top of a towel, with the lining outside to avoid possible color transfers from the lining. It's something that has happened twice in the history of zubi due to a tinting failure, and it hasn't happened in years, but we don't want to tempt fate.

- Ironing is optional, but it gives it a new touch that cannot be achieved with just drying.

If you follow this video and these recommendations, your cotton bag will last great for years.

And now let's continue enjoying zubi!