Ep 20 / Chatting with Mer Zubi from Creativity
This is a podcast that starts with surprise. For the first time, Elena does a takeover of Chatting with Zubi to explore the head of the brand's creative engine. Where does Mer Zubi get her inspiration from? How does your brain work?
Despite the jet lag (Mer has just landed from Bali and, of course, has brought a battery of ideas to apply to Zubi), we chatted about her routines, about her constant search for inspiration, about the internet. It teaches us the importance of keeping our eyes open and knowing how to establish connections between things that apparently have nothing to do with each other.
Mer likes to know everything (“except physics,” her father would say). Always stay alert to what is being done. And from there he gets a lot of ideas that, in most cases, he prefers to share rather than leave in a drawer. Because sharing is a key part of his creative process and he explains why it is so important right now.
He also tells us what blocks him and how he solves it, what his Everest is and his next challenges (be careful, there is an exclusive here!), what he has learned from his mistakes and who his greatest references are.
And finally, surprise quiz, which the regular one already knows by heart.
We hope you enjoy this new episode of Chatting with Zubi and tell us your impressions.
We leave you some links of things we talk about on the blog:
Cup of Jo Web
Park and Cube web instagram web instagram
Man Repeller Web
Leandra M Cohen (Man Repeller) instagram
Belén Canalejo (Balamoda) Web instagram
Bea Gaspar (With Rain Boots) website instagram
Reinventing the Ferrán Adriá kitchen by Colman Andrews