Ep 22 / Q&A Carlos Arévalo for Chatting with Zubi
A few months ago we chatted with Carlos Arévalo, from Pastelería Mallorca , about motivation: how to make the most of the potential of our workers and colleagues, how to deal with both the peaks of work and the stress they cause and the quieter times in which it is difficult to maintain productive energy, etc. It already seemed to us at the time that it had been a luxury podcast, and now we have confirmed the success it had with the avalanche of questions that came to us via Stories for our second Q&A of the season. It is clear that Carlos motivates, never better said.
Listening to Carlos means getting to know Mallorca more and better, and discovering very interesting (and sometimes surprising) things about a company that is already historic. But it is also learning about leadership, about what a team needs to grow and about the importance of respecting cycles and schedules. This Q&A podcast structures, through your questions, a lesson in common sense in which passion and authenticity are the key when taking the reins of an organization.
At Zubi we have taken great note of all of Carlos' teachings, in case one day we have to manage a team of 500 people (hairs stand on end just thinking about it). We hope you also like it and it inspires you. Thank you for participating with such interesting questions!