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Home / Podcast / Ep 33 / Chatting with Mercedes and Elena Zubi about launching a first clothing collection

Article: Ep 33 / Chatting with Mercedes and Elena Zubi about launching a first clothing collection

Ep 33 / Chatting with Mercedes and Elena Zubi about launching a first clothing collection

How did you say? Clothing collection? Yes yes, about clothes, you heard right. Today we wanted to talk from sister Zubi to sister Zubi, and thus tell you with great emotion what it has meant for us to embark on this great adventure of creating our first clothing collection.

Collection that is a natural consequence of going further in the exploration of fabrics and our classic prints, until we see a woman completely covered in them. The result, timeless shapes passed through the Zubi sieve. We bring you a collection that transmits a love for garments, basics created to last forever. Like when our grandmothers and great aunts made us dresses that we still have today. It is a tribute to them, that is why we wanted to put their names on each of our garments.

Today we will show you the processes that we have carried out, obstacles that we have faced with determination. And above all, we will tell you how things turn out when everyone involved believes in it and when we join forces and heart.

We won't tell you more, we leave you excited with our podcast today.

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