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Home / Podcast / Ep 12 / Chatting about shopping and traveling

Article: Ep 12 / Chatting about shopping and traveling

Ep 12 / Chatting about shopping and traveling

Why does Zubi travel? To take pictures? I wish our goal were this laudable! In our case, many things are mixed, but one that we love is discovering stores, brands and buying them to bring them into our lives.

We are not compulsive buyers at all, rather we are dull when it comes to what we need, but when something with soul catches our eye... something that has a story behind it, or that is going to be a memory in our head, that's when we buy. The purchase goes beyond the object, it is a brand experience that transcends and makes you part of the history of others.

This is the same thing we want to bring back, and what we want people who buy zubi to experience at Zurbano 22 or on our website.

Discover much more in this podcast!

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