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Home /sastrería Podcast /sastrería Ep 13 / Chatting with Belén Canalejo Balamoda about the turning points in life

Article: Ep 13 / Chatting with Belén Canalejo Balamoda about the turning points in life

Ep 13 / Chatting with Belén Canalejo Balamoda about the turning points in life

Belén is a very special person for zubi, she was one of the first to trust us and has stayed by our side through all odds, not only as a fan but also as a harsh critic when she doesn't like something, and her judgment It always helps us move forward.

But above zubi is the friendly Belén, who is always there when you need her and who, like me, launches into crazy ideas in a somewhat kamikaze way if she believes in them. This way of believing is not easy to find, you need to believe with all your body, with all your mind and with all your heart, which in your case is enormous.

Life keeps us close, and we enjoy meals to change the world less than we would like. Thank goodness that WhatsApp, Instagram and podcasts keep us up to date, and we share the same interests and vital needs, so we constantly hear something that the other is going to love and we send it to them and vice versa.

We both embrace change eagerly, but there are moments that are not easily embraced, that trip you up and force you to a vital turning point that changes your existence forever. Curiously, we have also experienced turning points at the same time that brought us closer together, and from which we have learned and moved forward, changed but wanting to continue doing our thing.

Elena and I went to her house, and shared food and chat like so many other times, but this time we recorded it for everyone.

Enjoy this luxury of talking about life changes with someone who faces them and embraces them.

A marvel, thank you Belén with all my heart.

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