Ep 37 / Chatting with Alicia Iglesias about the long road towards order and cleanliness in your life
A divine pleasure, that's how Alice describes Order and cleanliness at home is the effect of arriving home and finding everything clean and tidy. Alicia Iglesias is our tidiness guru, we really wanted her to get in front of our microphone and tell us about how she became a professional organizer and a cleaning expert with four basic and totally natural products. And you already know that we are increasingly concerned about leading a sustainable life, and cleaning is no different.
An entrepreneur by nature, she went from making hats to having a blog whose name “my scraps, bits of my life” she prefers to forget. Through life's coincidences and a great coach, he came to the conclusion that the most interesting thing was to dedicate himself to what he knew how to do best. Order and cleanliness at home came after six months of planning and today we can attest that Alicia's success is unstoppable. He has written 2 books, has participated in a television show, has a YouTube channel, and provides personalized attention even via Skype. And it doesn't end here, he still has time to teach courses like the one he gave in Zubi last week, a super practical course in which he condensed many of his cleaning recipes.
What will surprise you, as it did us, is that he considers himself a very messy person. We assume that it must have been originally, because seeing what he gets with each house he goes to or move he makes, no one would guess. Laughing, she confesses that her mother would practically be willing to create a counter blog that would tell Alicia's truths.
Without further ado, we leave you with the podcast. We already warned you that it is addictive and that after listening to it you will want to put your life in order.
Recommendations and mentions from Alicia:
Characters and events:
Products :
From Alice:
TV show: “ Lives in order”
YouTube channel : Order and cleanliness at home
21 days to have your house in order