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Home / Podcast / Ep 39 / Chatting with Paloma Sobrini and Paloma Gómez Marín about how to care for and support the dissemination of architecture

Article: Ep 39 / Chatting with Paloma Sobrini and Paloma Gómez Marín about how to care for and support the dissemination of architecture

Ep 39 / Chatting with Paloma Sobrini and Paloma Gómez Marín about how to care for and support the dissemination of architecture

For those of you who still do not know the location of our SS19 campaign, we will tell you that it was photographed in one of the most beautiful and architecturally perfect places that we know of, the Fernando Higueras Foundation. Also called the “Hellscraper” because its owner and creator Fernando Higueras masterfully built it underground just below his garden. Taking advantage of the exhibition of photographs of the work of this great architect that we inaugurated last Thursday in Zubi, his retrospective at the ICO Museum and our great passion for architecture, we wanted to bring you two women who know a lot about the architecture of our country, Paloma Sobrini, current General Director of Heritage of the Community of Madrid and Paloma Gómez Marín Director of Open house Madrid. Who better than them to talk about how to care for and support the dissemination of the rich architectural heritage we have.

We have been able to talk with them about the great work that Heritage and Open House Madrid do to disseminate the architecture of our city. Always looking outside, it seems that the large buildings we live with every day go unnoticed. The opportunity we have for some of them to open to the general public during their annual events is unique and special, and speaks to us of the great generosity of the owners when opening their doors to us, aware that heritage is an asset. for all citizens and of which we should be proud.

We also talked about the difficulty when it comes to taking care of architectural heritage because aid is never enough. In Spain, free services are promoted and in many cases the responsibility for what is free is non-existent. Arranged appointments that are not attended simply because they are free and that it seems that no one cares, when the reality is different, a reality in which volunteers who work for the love of our cultural heritage are mobilized.

They have opened our eyes to the importance of talking about architecture in a different way, not in a concrete way in terms of form and materials, but rather talking about its evolution, its future and its ultimate goal, which is the society it helps. . Both have spoken to us with great passion and admiration about the figure of Fernando Higueras as a brilliant and unique character and a great example of an architect who sought a social and humanistic reading with his works.

We hope you enjoy today's podcast as much as we do.

Mentions and recommendations from Paloma Sobrini and Paloma Gómez Marín :

Fernando Higueras Exhibition from the origin . Ico Museum

Favorite architectures of Paloma Gómez Marín :

House of Verre in Paris

Malaparte House in Capri


Open House

Heritage Community of Madrid

Architects mentioned:

Fernando Higueras

Miguel Fisac ​​Reference architect at Open house Madrid 2019

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