Ep 41 / Chatting with Kattia Zanetta about women and how motherhood or non-motherhood influences them
We had been wanting to bring Kattia Zanetta, our private coach, who we talk so much about and trust so much, to the podcast for a long time. Not only does it support us as a brand, but it has accompanied us on our path of personal growth, and continues to do so because it makes us more connected to ourselves. Today, we are convinced that this state is what makes us contribute our best version.
Since she was a little girl, she knew that listening was her thing. And trying to understand what defines us as human beings would quickly become one of their priorities. She studied psychology and did therapy for women. For a time she was dedicated to photography, for her a very powerful tool to get to know each other. The turning point would come when she became a mother. This is a moment that makes many women rethink their life path. Not only when you are already a mother, but when you think about being one or not. On the occasion of the upcoming Mother's Day we wanted Kattia to give us her point of view on how motherhood or non-motherhood affects us women.
As expected, it has turned out to be an incredible podcast that we want you to listen to, not once, but several times. It has dismantled some beliefs we had about the role of women in history. With her knowledge about motherhood, education, neuropsychology and multiple intelligences, she has given us a vision of the importance of self-knowledge. About connecting with our most authentic self and pampering it. And he has also told us about the role that we should have as educators, many times it is not so much doing a lot but rather accompanying the new generations in skills, making children know themselves, fostering the critical spirit, creative thinking and empathy.
Surely you are already hooked and want to listen to it, so we leave you here the podcast and the link to some of the phrases that we have selected.