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Home / Podcast / Ep 42 / Chatting with Lourdes "Russian Red" about her life in LA, her new role as a businesswoman and being successful in life

Article: Ep 42 / Chatting with Lourdes "Russian Red" about her life in LA, her new role as a businesswoman and being successful in life

Ep 42 / Chatting with Lourdes "Russian Red" about her life in LA, her new role as a businesswoman and being successful in life

This week we bring you a super special post from the other side of the ocean. Considered one of the singers indies most important in our country and internationally, we have sat down to talk with Lourdes Hernández – better known as Russian Red – about her life in LA, the feeling of love hate that she has with the city and how she has reinvented herself as a businesswoman giving life to the space she has created with her husband, The Ruby Street.

At the age of 22, Lourdes triumphed in music and made her first tour of Germany. After releasing 2 successful albums, he went to LA to record the third and stayed to live in the city, where he has been for 6 years and where he feels like he has been reborn. There she has found love, a vital goal that she had since she was little and around which the entire theme of her songs revolved. This brought serenity to his life, allowing him to develop in other areas, such as business. He has created a space with a special aura in which events, weddings, cultural activities and many other things take place that make him enjoy this project every minute.

We have talked about his adaptation to LA, the perspective he now has of Spain and how good life is in our country. We have also talked about what it means for her to be successful in life, the importance of sharing and being generous with people who need it and the very different mentality that exists between the US and Europe, whose main difference is the feeling of community, something that does not exist in LA.

A tremendously interesting conversation that would have given us 4 more hours of podcast. We leave you with him.

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