Ep 67 / Chatting with Lucía Marcano about the image and the responsibility it entails
Lucia Marcano She has been part of zubi for many years, and she usually hides behind the camera and the image to communicate and does not usually show her face, but we have finally brought her to talk about what we like most, photography. Her work is well known to everyone, zubi's editorials and campaigns for the last 4 years have her signature, and beyond that we can say that every photo she takes has something of her, since she not only shoots her camera, If not, it also gives us classes to improve everything we do ourselves.
We are living in a golden age of the image in general, and instead of going crazy and sharing more and more, it is in a moment of calm, we generate so much image that we must stop and reflect if it is worth contributing, or if perhaps we should give one step back. It is a moment in which we all project ourselves, as brands or as people, we choose the image we want to give, but that same image later marks us, so we must be aware and careful with it.
We talk a lot among ourselves about images, but beyond their beauty, also about what they say, that something that transcends some and not others, that something that moves and even sells. Because if something defines Lucía in her work for brands, it is having been on the other side, she herself has been a client while working in retail, and it shows. Working with her is a constant class, in both directions, she does the work and at the same time teaches you what you need, you show her your processes and she gives you a clear image of what you are and of telling your best story.
In this time in which we have lived, she herself has found beauty in the bad, as she always does. As she says, they locked me in and I broke down, if they forced her to stop suddenly, she did what she never had time to do, train herself, let her artistic side fly and take advantage of every minute to find a new photographer or a new path within of his photography. Luckily, brands are already enjoying everything they have already learned and we are happy to be part of a new way of seeing life, freer if possible.
Bringing her to the podcast is going to be a discovery for many people, hearing her speak is a delight, and I know that you are all going to learn a lot from her.
Discover their campaign Zubis & Flowers
If you haven't seen the campaign Recreating the Prado by Angelica Dass x Zubi and the work of the photographer Juergen Teller
COURSES: @elfotovoyeur / @robertomataschoolofphotography / @jeronimoalvarezfoto
ZOOMS: @bof / @mack_books / @bjp1854 / @vu_photo
EXPOSURE: REUNION – Del Prado Museum (open until 02/28/2021)
“For me, color is something very intuitive, I always say that I don't know how to explain how I use it, but the truth is that I have been studying it all my life. “My mother has a degree in Fine Arts and thousands of colors of acrylic, pastels and whatever were my daily playroom.”
PHOTO AESTHETICS – Joan Fontcuberta
“Fontcuberta is great if there ever was one, I recommend everything he writes, but this book is very good to start with because it reviews other authors”
“I recommended this book to Mer as essential to understanding how we see”
ART CAN HELP –Robert Adams
“I don't even know how to explain how much I like this book, read it and I know you'll thank me.”
“And this book is the one I'm reading right now and it's driving me crazy! It was a recommendation from @elfotovoyeur during the portrait workshop I did with him in September at the Roberto Matas school, and it couldn't have been more accurate."
If you are interested in photography books you can see here the iGTV video in which we talk about each of them.