Ep 49 / Chatting with Mer and Elena Zubi about the start of the year and the new podcast season
We are very happy to start the 3rd season of “Charlando con zubi”!
After having had a great summer, relaxing and dedicating ourselves to enjoying ourselves, back to school has begun. We have been working for almost 3 weeks now, in which we have had time to plan and organize ourselves for the new course. We start the season with a very special podcast, in which we are going to tell you our goals for the year and what the new podcast season is going to be like.
After a month of July in which we arrived almost skidding, having made a break vacation has helped us realize that we want to do things more calmly. Our goal this year is to delve into things and do them without rushing. The first thing we want to do more calmly and improve are the podcasts, which this season will be every 15 days, so that we have time to prepare them the way we really like. This has to be a reason for enjoyment, because it is something we really love to do. Another thing we have to improve the podcasts is our new space, which we have named “La Carbonera”, in which the noises of messengers and telephones will be conspicuous by their absence. We have also invested in new microphones (crazy!), and we are sure that, with this combination of microphones and space, we are going to achieve the clean and clear sound that we are looking for so that you can listen to crystal-clear podcasts.
One of the important points for us this year is that we want to be more coherent with “The Mission” of zubi, especially the last part, in which we talk about making a better World. That is going to be our cornerstone this year. We want to take it further with a project in which you will all be involved and which we will tell you about later.
Since we started two years ago, the podcast segment has grown a lot, helping to increase awareness of the format. The truth is that, from the beginning, ours has been different and that is something that we have wanted to convey to you with those talks that we have informally and closely with friends, collaborators and acquaintances whom we admire and like. We are not journalists, nor are we doing formal interviews. We have been lucky to have characters of a spectacular level, and we will continue to have them this season, with whom we will chat in a relaxed and natural way. You can always find all the podcasts on our blog or listen to them on Itunes, Spotify, Lecton, Ivoox and other platforms.
You also ask us a lot about the music of the intro and the end. Belonging to Lullatone, They are a couple from Japan who compose jingles, whom I met 8 or 10 years ago. Today we tell you how the melody of “Charlando con zubi” came to be.
We start this new course with great enthusiasm and we hope that you like this new season in which we want to learn a lot and that you learn a lot with us.
Enjoy the first podcast of the season. We see you every 15 days!