Ep 61 / Chatting with Oscar Sanchez Lozano about navigating the non-neutral path
Oscar is our particular Quixote, a dandy of those who no longer exist, with exquisite manners and abundant talent that is a pleasure to have around. We met because everyone was telling us about him, because we had to bind the fabrics that we took to the fair, and there was a crush in 2 directions, I found the person who makes my fabrics rise to the category of art, and he fabrics and skins that told stories and that bind the diaries and notebooks of your life.
For years he studied parallel disciplines, in Madrid and the UK, in which he gave more importance to the delivery of work than to the work itself. So when he went to work in a bookbinding workshop in London that worked with artists, he felt that he had found his place and that it could be his profession. He took advantage of the years there to also learn about the plants, the garden that Dean has there, and in which he worked and learned from his time and patience, which as he says has a lot to do with the work of an artisan, who It is never fast and it fills you completely.
Upon his return to Spain, he was clear that he wanted a bookbinding business, not a place where a book is made a week, but a place where he could work with a lot of people and help them make their dream come true. The place was waiting for him, the landlords were clear that they wanted to rent it to someone who would contribute to the neighborhood and there he was and his idea. The Hedgehog It is a jewel in itself, a work of art that impacts when you enter and with which you fall in love. It is not a place for the timid, tons of attitude and personality that permeate Oscar's works, the exhibitions he selects and the pieces he sells. It attracts strangers from the street who enter to ask what is being sold there, and those of us who are dedicated find it a place of peace with a spectacular soundtrack where time stops and there never seems to be a rush.
We invite you to discover the beautiful world that surrounds this special place with the help of its owner.
AUTHORS: Jose Luis Cheka, leading historian in bookbinding
LONDON WORKSHOPS: Bookworks and Wyvern Bindery
FRIENDS: @red_hot_pockets
ARTIST: Gillian Wearing