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Home / Podcast / Ep 73 / Chatting with Jesús Terrés about being aware of the moment

Article: Ep 73 / Chatting with Jesús Terrés about being aware of the moment

Ep 73 / Chatting with Jesús Terrés about being aware of the moment

Last year the book Nada Importa by Jesús Terrés came into my hands as a gift. I had already seen the cover and it sounded like something from Instagram, I didn't connect the name with magazine articles I had read until reading the first text... that text! A letter from a father to his daughter encouraging her to live life intensely, to fail, to get up... in short, to LIVE.

Last year we have not lived as always, many things have changed and we have pulled from within to live intensely, in many cases with the outside against us, surviving more than living, but luckily some of us have rescued crumbs that have transformed us, and he It is one of those crumbs that are already part of our lives. This text made me remember the number of things and people around me that make me happy, that made me happy during confinement and that make me happy every day.

Jesus' attitude towards life is to live consciously, a point that is not trivial, since it is the only way to live that hedonistic experience that he pursues in everything he does. His work and his way of communicating it take us all in that direction, his weekend newsletter (Saturday and Sunday) is a parenthesis for everyone, that coffee or tea in hand, we read, enjoy and think, in reality we stop the world a few minutes and we focus only on the present. I don't think there can be a better gift than that conscious time for anyone.

I could write 20 more paragraphs about this podcast, but I think the best thing is to listen to it, consciously, savor it and when you finish, look around and live to be happy.

We hope you like it!

Recommendations questionnaire:

Series or movie: Succession / Big Fish

Book: The boyfriend of the world . Felipe Benitez Reyes

Furniture: Gilda armchair . Carlo Mollino.

Buildings: Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater House / Eames House

Favorite place: Laura

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