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Home / Podcast / Ep 72 / Chatting with Carola Pérez about how to live with chronic pain in a world that pushes us to noise

Article: Ep 72 / Chatting with Carola Pérez about how to live with chronic pain in a world that pushes us to noise

Ep 72 / Chatting with Carola Pérez about how to live with chronic pain in a world that pushes us to noise

When you ask people what their greatest fear is, it is very normal for them to tell you that pain, both their own and that of the people they love. Pain, no matter how minimal, generates anxiety, it is something that we do not control and that clouds our mind and obsesses us. Well now imagine living with pain every minute of your life, that is the life of our guest today on the podcast Carola Pérez.

Carola and I met at school when we were 10 years old, and a year later she had the accident that changed her life. A fall while skating in which she broke her tailbone, but which she didn't tell anyone about because it was another fall for a girl with energy for 3 lives. That fall and the subsequent treatments plunged her into endless operations and medications that, instead of solving her life, were a slow descent into the saddest part of her. When you suffer from chronic pain, and pain like that caused by an operation in which your tailbone was removed, pain alleviated with medications that generate dependency and addiction, life is just a long-distance race to depression and an overdose.

But there is light beyond, and Carola found it when she said enough, there has to be something more. In her case, a cannabis infusion made her feel the peace that she had not felt for years and gave her the reason for her existence, to help others who like her were suffering and to whom the treatments, in many cases, did not give them the relief they sought. .

Currently Carola is the director of DosEmociones , an association of advice and information for therapeutic cannabis users, is also part of the Spanish Observatory of Medicinal Cannabis from which they fight to legalize cannabis for therapeutic use. Their work has a large part of removing stereotypes, we are not talking about recreational use, it is not a joint to calm you down, it is a medicinal plant with an active ingredient that can be used as a medicine, but that needs to be regulated and studied, and that is his battle.

But not everything comes from outside when it comes to finding peace, inner work, meditation, Buddhism, silence are key for your mind to cope with pain and the vicissitudes of life, and this is something that we must all learn. and work. I think that if someone like Carola has found how to stop her mind, live in the present and tolerate her pain, we should all give our silence a chance and thanks to that be able to listen to each other and feel what we should.

It's a tough podcast, we don't do many like it, but above all it's a podcast about something that we think is worth being known for and in which we believe. Listen to it carefully and calmly, until the end, since like any good story, you must read until the last letter.

Two emotions

Spanish Medical Cannabis Observatory

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