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Home / Podcast / Ep 83 / Chatting with Mer and Elena about dressing the woman from head to toe

Article: Ep 83 / Chatting with Mer and Elena about dressing the woman from head to toe

Ep 83 / Chatting with Mer and Elena about dressing the woman from head to toe

There I stood and I sneaked into your closet...

If you are of a certain age, you have surely read this phrase with a certain intonation. Well, in addition to the tone, the phrase has an anecdote behind it. A client recently told us something very significant. I don't remember what we were talking about when he launched it: “Zubi has sneaked into my closet.” In addition to the excitement of the moment, that made me remember many things about our career and these ten years.

Elena and I are very excited that zubi garments accompany you, that we sneak into your closet, in your daily life, with “24-hour garments” that are useful for any moment and occasion. We stick with our proposal and what we like, and that is very gratifying because our goal when creating fashion and clothing is to make life easier for women. Dress well every day without wasting time or thinking.

After these years I think we are finally getting closer and closer to the essence of what zubi is because it is really what we would wear. So I hope you are prepared because a season is coming with many proposals, a lot of fashion and much more clothes. A collection where Miami is our protagonist. There are beautiful prints, colors, joy, novelties... and clothing is where you are going to see the most innovation.

I won't tell you any further and I'll leave you with the first podcast of the year where Elena and I have chatted about inspiration, creation, motivation, sustainability, fashion... And where we answer an exclusive questionnaire with many questions that you have surely asked yourself.

Elena and I chat about the zubi woman, new challenges, our dreams and we confess our favorite clothes and also the ones that have given us the most headaches. Can you imagine what they could be?

Podcast inside! …And until February. Because this year we will do a very powerful monthly podcast so remember: we have an appointment on the last Saturday of each month.

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