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Home / Podcast / Ep 46 / Chatting with "What really matters" about their mission to bring positive values ​​closer

Article: Ep 46 / Chatting with "What really matters" about their mission to bring positive values ​​closer

Ep 46 / Chatting with "What really matters" about their mission to bring positive values ​​closer

This week we premiere a new section in “Charlando con zubi” that we will have every few months. A section in which we will bring things that we really want people to know, support and spread. Things that change your life. To inaugurate it we are lucky to have María Franco, one of the founders of the “What really matters” Foundation. With her we have talked about the origin of the Foundation, of which they have named us ambassadors – with great honor – about the importance of their mission and the projects they carry out, with which they try to make this world a better place by putting the focus in people, through the important and beautiful mission of transmitting the values ​​of all life.

María has been leading the Foundation for 13 years. The project was born in 2007 as a result of “chance”, when a friend left her a diary for her to read. A diary that an American man, sick with cancer, decided to write so that his three young children would have it when he was no longer around and that was titled “What really matters.” After reading it, María felt fully identified with his reflections, since she also suffered from cancer at the age of 33. At that time, she shared it with two friends who, today, are her two partners, Carolina Barrantes and Pilar Cano. They realized that they wanted to share real stories that would reach people, especially young people, for free and help them discover “what really matters” in an authentic way, without color or ideology. They held their first conference in Madrid, achieving resounding success and at that moment the magic began. What began as an initiative aimed at young people has become a project that unites generations and transmits values ​​such as tolerance, respect, solidarity and love.

He has told us how they choose the people who give talks at congresses through their “storyteller”, Victoria, that they have ambassadors of the stature of Rafael Nadal and even their own song, written by David Santisteban. She also told us about the Foundation's multiple projects, including holding a conference soon in Jordan, something that will mean a before and after for them, and another on December 4 in Madrid (which we don't plan to miss).

We leave you with a podcast in which you can learn about a Foundation that is dedicated to a work that is neither tangible nor visible, but is fundamental. We hope you like it as much as we do and want to be part of this. We leave you the link to their website so you can see all the information:

Mentions and recommendations from “What really matters”:

Antonio Pampliega

Pampliega Passport

Something more than a song – David Santisteban

Jane Goodall

Pablo Pineda

SM Foundation

What Really Matters Foundation


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