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Ep 85 / Charlando con Carmen Capote, de 24 Onzas, sobre el arte de crear bombones de autor

What is it about cocoa and that piece of chocolate after eating that is capable of brightening your day? Many of us find it irresistible...

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Ep 84 / Charlando con María Fernández-Miranda sobre la “no maternidad"

“Well, what about you… when are the children coming? If you stay late for too long, you'll miss out on rice.” How many women have they g...

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Ep 83 / Charlando con Mer y Elena sobre vestir a la mujer de la cabeza a los pies

There I stood and I snuck into your closet... If you are of a certain age, you have surely read this phrase with a certain intonation. W...

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Ep 82 / ¿Os habéis dado cuenta de que en dos sábados estaremos dando la bienvenida al nuevo año? ¡2022 viene pisándonos los talones! Nosotras estamos haciendo un sprint final ¡que nos está dejando sin aire! Está siendo un año de crecimiento, de retos, nue

Have you noticed that on two Saturdays we will be welcoming the new year? 2022 is hot on our heels! We are doing a final sprint that is ...

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Ep 81 / Charlando con Paula Delgado sobre moda sostenible, tejidos y la mejor lana del mundo

The woman who joins us on the podcast today is a fundamental piece in our clothing collection. We have grown with her in these years, sh...

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Ep 80 / Charlando con Celia Muñoz sobre cómo crear una marca coherente y “made in Spain” desde Londres

Do you know that feeling when you go from being a client and admirer to being able to have that person on the other side of the screen? ...

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Ep 79 / Charlando con Phil González sobre las claves de instagram… y la importancia de desconectar “a ratos”

Do you feel like your cell phone is an extension of your hand? Do you need to see every notification and when you wake up the first thin...

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Ep 78 / Charlando con zubi sobre volver a ilusionarse

Mer and Elena to the buses. Yes, we started the first episode of this fifth season of the podcast with a talk together where we reflecte...

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Ep 77 / Charlando con Taller Silvestre sobre volver a las cosas sencillas y de nuestra colaboración del Mediterráneo

Alina and Vero are the engine of Taller Silvestre, an engine that is neither crazy nor fast, it is a naive, simple engine that takes us ...

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Ep 76 / Charlando con Verónica Cheble de CEAR sobre ser refugiado y emprender una nueva vida en otro país

It's funny how preconceived ideas about topics as high in the media as immigration make us think that we know a lot about a topic, when ...

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