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Home / Podcast / Ep 71 / Chatting with zubi about how hard it is to make the clothes you wear

Article: Ep 71 / Chatting with zubi about how hard it is to make the clothes you wear

Ep 71 / Chatting with zubi about how hard it is to make the clothes you wear

The idea of ​​talking about the price of the products arose after a comment on Instagram about the price of one of our bags, and she commented that they were expensive for her. When faced with these types of comments, I always have an answer: I am not expensive, I am fair.

It may seem like a cool answer, but each brand has entry conditions that determine its positioning, it may be manufacturing in Spain, quality of materials or R&D. Fairness in price is not something I pull out of my sleeve, or something I decide by watching how much to get out of a garment without any basis. Price is one of the concerns that most brands have, in many cases the biggest of all of them and about which there is always a lot of fear. Go ahead, we have the same fear. Marking the price of a product even though it responds to an equation that leaves no room for doubt, usually creates anxiety since it has a % of money inside that is not applied directly, is not touchable, and that we always underestimate and is important Do not do it since the health of your company depends on it.

In this podcast we wanted to open this melon and do a dissection explaining why each part of that melon is important to have the complete melon. Since without the complete melon you don't have a melon, you have something else, perhaps an elon. Forgive me for the bad joke, but I think that thanks to this nonsense you will never forget that your brand needs all the letters and not just part of them.

Take paper and pencil to draw this melon well and I hope it is useful to all of you.

Brands we talk about:

Elizabeth Suzann


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